You can learn more about becoming an Associate Member of GDT here and from the FAQs below
Who can join and how?
Associate Membership is open to any individual or group who wants to support the aims of
Glenkens & District Trust. You don't have to be a resident in the area. You can simply fill in this form.
Applications are subject to approval by the Board. The Trustees will review applications and quickly notify you of their decision. Trustees can, at their discretion, refuse to admit any person or organisation as an Associate Member.
What are the benefits?
You will receive regular updates from GDT and an invitation to the Annual General Meeting. You will be able to speak and to ask questions at any of these meetings and the Trustees see this as an important mechanism for GDT to understand what is important to the wider community. Only the Community Council Members are eligible to vote on any formal business.
What would be required of me?
There are no formal requirements, but we hope that Associate Members will engage with the work of GDT, support us in meeting our objectives as well as feel able to challenge us on our actions. We welcome questions on any subject and all we ask is that any issues are raised in a constructive and courteous manner.
Can I end my membership?
An Associate Member can terminate their Associate Membership at any time and their name will be removed from the Register of Associate Members. Associate Membership is not transferable. In addition, Associate Membership can also be terminated by a resolution of the Trustees if they consider that it is in GDT's best interests that the Associate Membership is terminated.
What's the small print?
The Trustees can at any time amend the rules and regulations, and will notify Associate Members promptly if this occurs. From time to time, the Trustees will ask by email if individuals or organisations wish to remain as Associate Members and will also confirm contact details held. If an individual or organisation does not confirm they wish to remain an Associate Member, their name will be removed from the Register of Associate Members.